Thursday, April 19, 2012

Welcome to ID4Car, new partner for CESA 2012

Created at the end of 2005 under the name of Premium Automotive Cluster, the competitiveness cluster iDforCAR supports the innovation in the whole of the Vehicles sector today.
Encouraged by the carmakers, this cluster fulfils the expectations and the needs of all the actors of western France, and particularly the SMEs engaged on the way of niche and specific vehicles. iDforCAR gathers today more than 170 members : enterprises, research laboratories and economic development partners.
More than 74 projects have been certified since 2006. Amongst them, 42 projects have been financed with a global budget of 100 M€, of which 45 M€ came from public R&D aids.
One of the highlights is the AutosarLab programme. Managed by iD4CAR and based on the expertise of two companies, Geensys and Kereval, the ambition is to act as a source of high-level expertise in the development and testing of embedded computer systems. AutosarLab supports projects at every phase of the V-Model, from initial studies to installation testing. The programme includes awareness raising, need detection and support activities.

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